
Then we set out to work him to death in April, «  » writes Hook looking back.

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Then we set out to work him to death in April, «  » writes Hook looking back.

It had looked like this everywhere in Manchester at the time. «  » Anton Corbijn, who met Joy Division in 1979 and took pictures from then on, recalls in an interview the miserable condition of the band: freezing, malnourished – typically northern England, poor, economically lousy. Drumming Hitler Youth : Front cover of the first Joy Division EP «  » An Ideal for Living «  » (Photo: Enigma) Joy Division had been around for a while – in May 1977 they gave their first concert under the name Warsaw; in January 1978 the band renamed the Joy Division. Their first EP An Ideal for Living, which was still very punk, was released in June 1978. In the following months the band developed from amateurs to supergroups: the attention of the press and the number of fans grew.

At the same time, being a musician was extremely tough – all band members had kept their normal jobs; After the performances – often in other cities – it was still necessary to get up early the next morning and go to work. We went to the venues in often borrowed, often rickety cars; The payment was miserable or nonexistent, there was freezing and starvation. Still: nobody wanted to give up making music; after all, there was the feeling of being part of something big, important. Their post-punk record «  » Unknown Pleasure «  » released in June 1979 is a milestone in music history. It still appears in a number of album leaderboards to this day.

The legendary radio DJ John Peel recognized the greatness, the special thing about Joy Division early on, often played the record on BBC radio – and thus contributed to the band’s growing fame. «  » Unknown Pleasures: The Joy Division Story  » « was published by Metrolit. (Photo: Metrolit) But the beginning breakthrough did not go unnoticed – around the same time, singer Ian Curtis was diagnosed with epilepsy. The seizures during performances, also triggered by stroboscopic light, increased – which was sometimes mistaken for and cheered by the fans for part of the stage show. Despite the great physical strain for Curtis, the band went on a European tour in early 1980; she played in the Netherlands, Belgium and also in Germany (Cologne and West Berlin).

In addition, two singles were released – including the most famous Joy Division song «  » Love will tear us apart «  » – and a new record was recorded: Closer. Between the recording of the album and its release, a tragic date falls: the suicide of Ian Curtis in May 1980. He met the other band members completely unexpectedly, like a shock. There were signs, as Peter Hook admits in the book, such as when «  » Ian began to cut himself open «  ». They spoke to him about it, but «  » we simply wiped from the table that he had started to hurt himself. We avoided the subject.affordable biology essay writing service

We carried on as if everything were normal and pretended that Ian wasn’t sick. «  » But he was sick – and he suffered not only physically but mentally. Torn between family, wife and child and his relationship with the Belgian journalist Annik Honoré, who even accompanied him on tour – when his wife Deborah found out, he promised her to end the affair and then to fall into an even deeper hole. Even more so when Debbie filed for divorce in the spring of 1980. Ian attempted suicide, wanted to leave the band, not make music anymore.

An American tour was due, he suffered from fear of flying … the pressure was just too great. «  » We nearly worked him to death in March. Then we set out to work him to death in April, «  » writes Hook looking back. And then the end: «  » He went to Debbie. They quarreled and she went to work.

And he hung himself up. «  » The madness of the music business: The suicide of Ian Curtis made Joy Division so popular; The single Love Will Tear Us Apart, newly released in June 1980, was a gigantic success – it is almost exemplary of the musical style of the band. Closer, released in July 1980, was also celebrated and sold well. The back of the «  » An Ideal for Living «  » EP from 1978 … (Photo: Enigma) How to continue? According to the pact concluded a few years earlier («  » If one of us didn’t want to continue or something happened to one of us, Joy Division would be over «  ») it was clear: the old band «  » was done «  ». But the others wanted to continue, absolutely. So: found a new band.

A new name had to be found – and here it was clear: under no circumstances should it «  » sound remotely Nazi-like «  ». Because Joy Division had to deal with Nazi allegations throughout its existence. And it was no coincidence: There was the call «  » You all forget Rudolf Hess! «  » During a concert.

In addition, the cover of her first EP Ideal of Living from 1978 shows a drumming boy in Hitler Youth uniform and a German soldier pointing a gun at a boy – an alienated version of the famous 1943 photo from the Warsaw ghetto. The song Warsaw is teeming with references to Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess – it begins, for example, with «  » 3 5 0 1 2 5 Go! «  » – 31G-350125 was Hess’ prisoner number after he was taken prisoner and the international military tribunal in Nuremberg was transferred …. and the world-famous original photo: Jews and German soldiers in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. (Photo: AP) The band name Joy Division is based on the book «  » House of Dolls «  » (by Ka-tzetnik 135633, Yehiel Dinur , published in German as Höllenfahrt, Das Haus der Puppen, Nazi Dollhouse and Joy Department). Joy Division was the name given to groups of women who were held as prostitutes in the National Socialist concentration camps. Just a non-political gimmick, an experiment with Nazi aesthetics? Hook writes about this in the book: The Joy Division, the «  » were the oppressed, not the oppressors.

Which, in a punk ‘No Future’ way, was exactly what we wanted to express with the name. … We had no idea what we were getting into with people asking us for years: ‘Are you Nazis?’ ‘No, we are not fucking Nazis. We’re from Salford. ‘ » » Sure, the Joy Division members weren’t fucking Nazis, at best the allusions were naive, ironic or just plain stupid. And swastika t-shirts and similar Nazi symbols were always part of the provocation in punk. In Great Britain, after the experience of the Second World War, this was a particularly effective way of shocking ordinary people.

The plan to get rid of the Nazi smell with the new band name didn’t really work out: New Order, as the new formation was called, can also be interpreted as the new direction the band is now going, but New Order is also the English name for Adolf Hitler’s « New World Order » « . New material for rumors about the political views of the musicians. But, according to Hook, they really wanted to prevent this: «  » There is no way we can make this damn mistake again. «  » « Unknown Pleasures – The Joy Division Story » « by Peter Hook is neither a bibliophile treasure nor a literary pearl , rather sloppily edited, with various errors and missing punctuation marks – but it offers intimate, personal insights into the English music scene of the late 1970s with lots of details, stories and anecdotes. Definitely something for real fans and those interested in music history. «  » Unknown Pleasures – The Joy Division Story «  » order from AmazonSource: ntv.de « Christof Gramm is being put into temporary retirement. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) Christof Gramm must vacate his post in the Military Counterintelligence Service.

It is said from Berlin that he will leave by mutual agreement. Behind the scenes, however, Defense Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer was largely responsible for the decision, and the President of the Military Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD), Christof Gramm, was replaced. The German Press Agency in Berlin learned that Gramm will leave by mutual agreement. The ministry informed the chairmen in the Bundestag about the move to advance the reform process in the MAD and the Bundeswehr after a series of right-wing extremist incidents. As reported by « Spiegel », the personnel mainly depends on the mishaps in the persecution of right-wing extremist soldiers together. Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is said to have decided that Gramm must go.

According to this, the CDU leader drove to the MAD headquarters in Cologne during the day to have a long conversation with Gramm. Christoph Gramm is a lawyer and has been President of the MAD since 2015. The ministry said that Kramp-Karrenbauer had «  » decided, with his consent, that Dr. To relieve Christof Gramm of his task in the coming month «  », so a spokesman. «  » He is to be put into temporary retirement. A successor will be decided shortly. «  » In the fight against right-wing extremism in the Bundeswehr, the MAD has an outstanding role to play. One of its tasks is « to recognize extremist tendencies at an early stage and to fully identify and uncover the people involved and possible network structures, » said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. To this end, the MAD is being consistently modernized and further developed.

Network analyzes and intensive cooperation with other authorities were just as much a part of this, as was the renewal of organization, working methods and personnel. The reforms of the MAD, which began in October 2019, have already shown results. Last year, thanks to the work of the MAD, serious cases were cleared up. The MAD President «  » initiated and accompanied these changes and thus achieved noticeable improvements in organization and working methods «  » in recent years. «  » A first important goal has been achieved, « said the spokesman.

Kramp-Karrenbauer and Gramm agree that the upcoming implementation of the reforms and the modernization of the MAD marks a new section, «  » which requires additional efforts and dynamism «  ». «  » This new section should also be made visible in terms of personnel, « said the spokesman. It had previously been announced that the Bundeswehr secret service would be working more closely with the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the search for extremists should. The Ministry of Defense hopes that the military counterintelligence «  » will work «  » more aggressively and efficiently «  » reported the « Spiegel » « on Wednesday. Citing a » « classified document » « the magazine wrote that the heads of the three Offices see deficiencies in the previous cooperation. In the transmission of information between the MAD and the BfV there were «  » deficits in the past, «  » says the paper.

What is now necessary is «  » optimally coordinated and more cooperative cooperation «  » between the three authorities. According to « Spiegel », the presidents of the BfV, BKA and MAD decided on a package of measures to weld the extremism investigators together. The MAD should in future be represented in the Joint Extremism and Terrorism Defense Center (GETZ), the coordinated Internet evaluation (KIA) of the BKA. In addition, regular «  » strategic and operational «  » discussions at all levels and joint case processing by MAD and BfV are planned. The MAD should also be technically upgraded, writes the magazine.

A connection to the intelligence information system (Nadis) is planned, through which the secret services exchange knowledge. So far, the MAD has only been able to read into the system, but cannot feed its own information into it. Source: ntv.de, fzö / AFP / dpa « The alleged perpetrator who allegedly attacked a 26-year-old in front of a synagogue on Sunday is actually reported in Berlin, but lives in Hamburg-Langenhorn. (Photo: dpa) A man in military clothing attacks a Jewish student in front of a synagogue. Sunday’s attack in Hamburg brings back memories of the Halle attack a year ago. A deliberate parallel with the Bundeswehr uniform?

Investigators are convinced of an anti-Semitic motive for the murder, and the investigators classify the spade attack on a man in front of a synagogue in Hamburg as an attempted murder with allegedly anti-Semitic backgrounds. This was announced by the police and the public prosecutor’s office in the Hanseatic city. In the pants pocket of the 29-year-old suspect, who was caught immediately after the attack, there was a note with a hand-painted swastika. The alleged perpetrator is a 29-year-old German with Kazakh roots and a Berlin registration address.

However, a check in Berlin showed that he has not lived there since 2019. In an apartment in Hamburg-Langenhorn, in which the suspect was staying unannounced, the officers initially found no further obvious evidence of an accomplice or right-wing structure or conviction. However, the investigators have secured several data carriers, mainly two laptops and USB sticks.

The authorities said the evaluation is still ongoing. « Based on the current assessment of the overall circumstances, the crime can be assumed to be an anti-Semitically motivated attack. » « This is why the Central Office for State Protection Offenses at the Hamburg Public Prosecutor’s Office took on the investigation. The suspect attacked a 26-year-old with a folding spade while entering the synagogue area on Sunday afternoon and seriously injured the head. Police security forces initially approached the man immediately after the attack and only a few minutes later police officers brought the man to the ground and arrested him, said a police spokesman. The security guards are police officers on guard duty equipped with machine guns, but not police officers.

The synagogue security guards themselves were not involved. Police officers finally arrested the man, who, according to the authorities, was wearing a Bundeswehr uniform. Source: ntv.de, joh / dpa / AFP « What could be nicer than cycling through a sunny park …… walking …. … or just to stroll? Germany …… is fortunately richly blessed with parks and gardens, …… so there are many opportunities. One of the most famous German parks is the English Garden in Munich.

With almost four square kilometers (400 hectares), it is the largest inner-city park in Germany …… and one of the largest parks in the world. Created from 1789, the Volkspark has been open to everyone since 1792. You can not only lie around on the lawn in it, …… the English Garden also attracts with various beer gardens, some even with a view of the water, as here on Lake Kleinhesseloher. The Chinese Tower even has the second largest beer garden in Munich (after the Hirschgarten) with around 7500 seats. And the Eisbach in the English Garden is not as harmless a stream as it may seem at first glance – …