A working group has been set up for this purpose

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A working group has been set up for this purpose

The emotional harm caused by cyberbullying is no less serious than physical violence. The technical possibilities made digital abuse easier, says Middendorf. "You don’t need to be a computer crack to do this. Today everyone is in a position to be a perpetrator, but also to become a victim." As a result of the video, the victim suffers not only physical but also psychological violence.

Victims keep silent out of fear and shame

Although it is a "ubiquitous phenomenon" act, there are no statistics, because cyberbullying is not a separate criminal offense. In addition, the LKA expert knows that the dark field is very large: Because fear and feelings of guilt prevent the victims from revealing themselves.

Violence by girls is reported less often

The dark field also plays a role in the evaluation of girl violence, says expert Boers. Because criminal girls are reported less often than boys. The age of the alleged thugs from Tübingen is typical, however: boys and girls commit most violent crimes at the age of 14.

"After that it will be significantly less every year"says Boers. Girls stopped earlier, from the age of 15. Intensive offenders are also significantly less common than boys. Among girls, the proportion is between 0.1 and 0.9 percent, among boys between 0.5 and 3.4 percent. The Tübingen attack is typical because it happened in a group situation. In 2013, this was the case for 53.7 percent of violent crimes among under 21-year-olds in the southwest.

This is how parents recognize signs of bullying

A difficult time begins for the beaten girl in Tübingen, who was slightly injured in the attack. Not only does it have to cope with the injuries, but also live with the fact that its suffering will continue to circulate on the Internet for a very long time. Now it is important that parents, friends and teachers and, if necessary, psychotherapists help the student to deal with the attack. Otherwise, there could be social withdrawal or even refusal to attend school, says the Freiburg expert Klett.

According to studies, one in six students has been a victim of cyberbullying – and one in five has been a perpetrator. Those affected do not always confide in their parents. It is all the more important that they pay close attention to signs that their child is suffering from bullying: for example, a depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, loss of performance, sudden reticence, withdrawal, anxiety, headaches and stomach pains.

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A large proportion of teenage chatters are exposed to sexual content on a daily basis. Both girls and boys are affected, only the way it is done differs: Girls are turned on and often manipulated, while boys get the porn sent straight to their children’s room. Chat and dating sites in particular, where children can already register, are a paradise for people with a pedophile tendency.

Parents – Internet: Children safe online


Internet: children safe online

Surfing, but safe: Rudi Cerne gives parents important tips. to the video

The perpetrator sits on the child’s lap, so to speak

When it comes to sexual pick-ups on the Internet, one often hears the argument that nothing happened, the perpetrator never got too close to the child. However, one must not ignore the psychological aspect here. "Theoretically, there may be several hundred kilometers in between, but actually the perpetrator is sitting on the child’s lap in his room!", explains Julia von Weiler von "Innocence in Danger", an association that is committed to avoiding sexual assaults and attacks on the Internet. " We live in the age of digital exhibitionism and we all still cannot really estimate what will happen to this generation, which is confronted with so much disgust at such a young age."


Sexual attacks on chat sites

The editors of the FAZ have made an attempt and logged on to various chat sites for children and teenagers to test their safety. Different profiles of girls of different ages were created and registered with popular chat portals for children and adolescents. The photos used were in no way provocative, the supposed children remained passive and did not provoke. The result was fatal: children, especially girls, are constantly being sexually attacked in supposedly child-friendly chats and forums.

"It is no exception. It inevitably happens every time"the summary says. And within a few minutes. The children are harassed and are supposed to engage in sexual acts. Often attempts were made to persuade them to switch to other providers in order to send pornographic images.

The coalition agreement provides for more protection

The operators of the corresponding chat pages are aware of the dangers. However, they either refer to their safety instructions or to the teaching of media skills by parents. But they often do not know anything about their children’s activities or consider them to be harmless. Come in addition: "Everyone always talks about media literacy", so from hamlet. "That is all well and good and important, but a ten-year-old media-competent child is only ten years old and therefore particularly worthy of protection. The legislature must enter into obligations here to ensure the protection of this child."

The coalition agreement states that children and young people should be able to make the most of the opportunities and possibilities offered by the Internet without being confronted with content that is harmful to them. "But you can only achieve this if you anchor standards that can no longer be questioned."

The legal mills grind slowly

The so-called cyber grooming is regulated by law in Section 176 of the Criminal Code, which states, among other things, that it is forbidden to act on a child under the age of 14 through writing in order to induce them to perform sexual acts that are in themselves, on or before Perpetrator or a third party, or is to be carried out by the perpetrator or a third party. Up to five years in prison are theoretically possible, but the sentences are often significantly lower. Still, because that should change in the future. An EU directive that came into force in 2011 provides that even attempting to contact children for sexual purposes should be made a criminal offense in all member states of the European Union. According to information from the Federal Ministry of Justice, a draft bill was drawn up, sent to the federal states for comment and now evaluated.

We adults are to blame

The pages are called lovoo, meet-teens, rentre-ados or ersteliebe, some of them are approved from the age of eleven, often with a maximum limit. There are many dating sites for teenagers where they are looking for adventure by showing themselves half-naked or in combination with giant zucchinis or having their tongue publicly rated. Inhibitions that adolescents naturally have when dealing with the opposite sex often disappear online. "The children develop an interesting, but also dangerous, nonchalance", so from hamlet. "Somehow it belongs to it, just like pornographic pictures and sexual turn-ons, which are then often suppressed with the ignore function, but not reported."

Is the police panda really watching out well enough?

Even on pages that seem absolutely harmless, there are people with pedophile tendencies. Panfu.de, a website for children that has also come under criticism from the FAZ editors, reacted: "We already had extensive security measures at the time of publication and have continuously expanded them since then. Of course we also have an emergency button to report someone immediately", justifies managing director Verena Delius. You can block other pandas on the spot and won’t be seen by them anymore and you can inform a moderator – in the form of a police panda.

In addition, he can see immediately when greylist terms appear. In contrast to the blacklist, which stores over a thousand terms related to sex and crime that are not allowed to appear in the chat, the greylist contains terms that could also be harmless. "All terms on the greylist are highlighted in color for the moderator in the client, so that he can immediately see whether it is an offense or harmless. For example, the word ‘address’ is on the greylist because children are not allowed to ask for someone else’s address." Both lists are expanded daily with new creations.

Sneaky sneaking into teenage chat rooms

According to its own information, the Knuddels.de platform is currently the largest chat community in Germany. It has existed for 15 years, employs around 6,000 administrators and moderators, has more than 1.9 million users and is used by 900,000 participants for chatting every month. Most of them are over 18, and some of the topics are tailored accordingly. However, the site is allowed from 14 and it also has a corresponding chat corner. "What I keep hearing from young people about knuddels.de is still astonishing", reports from Weiler. "Most ignore the perpetrators. A lot has often happened by the time they press the emergency button. And those who seek help online are generally more likely to find themselves left hanging because it is taking too long."

The goal of the operator is different: it should supposedly not take longer than ten minutes for the moderator to react. "In the case of content that is harmful to minors, the user responsible will be blocked immediately, and the police and public prosecutor will be informed if necessary", explains Maria Urban from knuddels.de. "As soon as the emergency button is used, the chat contributions are saved as evidence."

Tantalizing poses are deleted

In addition to youth protection tests that underage users have to complete while using it, there are also photo rules: "The age-graded rules for photos are very strict and very important to us. Photos of 14 to 15-year-old users are only permitted as long as they show the person in everyday clothing in which they can also be found in public. Pictures are deleted if the person depicted on them has taken a provocative pose or if too much skin is shown." But Urban also knows that you can only create a framework with it.

Pay attention to nuances

Parents need to be aware that teenagers don’t tell everything. Firstly because they need privacy and friends are more important than parents in this regard, and secondly because they are afraid that their access to chats and social networks will be banned or restricted. Perhaps also because they cannot assess for themselves whether their gut instinct is correct or because they do not want to worry their parents. There are many options and fewer and fewer opportunities for parents to intervene. After all, it is no longer possible to prevent young people from browsing the Internet. They are definitely online – it is an important social space for them. It is all the more important to listen carefully when teenagers talk about their online activities. And also pay attention to nuances.

Here are ten rules to help parents make surfing the Internet safer for their children.

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For the protection of children against sexual abuse, for example, youth welfare offices have no uniform national standards. This emerges from an analysis by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, about which the news magazine "The mirror" and the "Swabian newspaper" reported on Saturday. After the serious sex crimes against a boy in South Baden, the ruling Greens in the southwest are calling for better supervision of the youth welfare offices and binding rules for their work, like that "Swabian newspaper" wrote in Ravensburg.

The boy had been advertised on the Internet for more than two years and given to men for rape for money. His mother and her significant other should be responsible for this. You will have to answer in court in June. The Freiburg Regional Court has so far sentenced two men in the case.

The authorities saw themselves in the criticism of not having done enough for the boy. "The procedures used by youth welfare offices to judge a child’s risk vary widely"said the green member of the state parliament Thomas Poreski the "mirror". It was missing "binding rules of the game". In a statement, the Ministry of Social Affairs in Stuttgart listed how work is regulated in the individual federal states. According to the report, the youth welfare inspection in Hamburg is exemplary.

A statement by the ministry, which is available to the German Press Agency, shows how differently in the southwest alone the municipalities handle complaints against decisions of the youth welfare offices. As the "Swabian newspaper" Further reported, Minister of Social Affairs Manna Lucha (Greens) wants to introduce rules in all youth welfare offices, according to which child protection cases are processed and assessed. A working group has been set up for this purpose.

There will be no special government regulations for the implementation of child protection for children and young people traveling in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The opposition left failed on Friday in the state parliament with its attempt to define and make binding regulations for the protection of minors on such trips.

According to Social Affairs Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD), there are already clearly named groups of people who are responsible for children as soon as they undertake activities outside the parental shelter. "It is the same on trips for children and young people. Here, caregivers, often trained social workers or qualified youth carers, are responsible for the well-being of the children and young people", she said.